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New Life XI

'Rhythm & Harmony' 2024

This work has been created using the historic painting method known as tempera. The recipe for this paint includes only natural ingredients and is blended with genuine earth pigments based on historically accurate, Renaissance art method. Egg tempera was used by many important artists such as De Vinci however the method was lost when chemical pigments and tubed paint became available. Tempera has always been recognised as one of the most perfect mediums for capturing the purity of colour in pigments, and is renowned for its longevity, some saying that it improves with time – the colours becoming more vibrant. For this work, I selectively used just a few of the finest, ground ochres to create over fifty individual colours – demonstrating that with a minimalist approach great depth of variation can still be achieved. The copper leaf, a finely beaten metal, has been hand-applied using an artisan technique that also dates back centuries. Small rose quartz cabochons also feature in the work.

only genuine top-quality natural pigments, ochres from Australia, Iberia and Italy.

New Life XI


A1 | Eco Certified Archival Paper made in Italy

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